Welcome to Vibrational Resonance EESystem Colorado

REST, RESTORE and REGENERATE in Monument, Colorado’s 12-unit Energy Enhancement System

What if you could restore ease in your body with coherent fields of energy.  Discover the power of Scalar fields.  These fields known in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics, exist beyond time and space, remaining unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter.  When immersed in a Scalar field, our body's electromagnetic field ignites, thanks to the crystalline structures within our cells.

The EESystem utilizes Scalar technology to restore our body's natural electrical matrix, clinically shown to boost cell regeneration, immune functions, and neurotransmitter activity.

Experience increased energy, mental clarity, and enhanced well-being with The Energy Enhancement System✨

The Technology

A New Era of Well-Being

The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit & Science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualization.

The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve circulation and immune function, reduce inflammation, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods and assist in balancing R/L brain balance for optimal meditation and sleep states, increasing cell membrane potential, mitochondrial and stem cell activity and energy levels for optimum function. 

EESystem Quantum Healing Zone allows you to lie back in a comfortable chair in the hyper-healthy frequency environment of the EESystem and fall into a relaxed or meditative state.  The 12 field-generating units are precisely aligned to create a quantum bio-photonic field of life-enhancing frequencies that bathe you in pure light energy.  

Many find this frequency bath to be calming, reassuring and stress relieving. The body responds to the field with its innate wisdom, allowing the recalibration of the body to homeostasis or it's perfect balance. 

The Energy Enhancement System (EE System)

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D, DNM, DCSJl, has developed a healing technology that may even be more advanced than what many refer to as “MedBed Technology”.

​This stunning technology, developed in 1997 by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael uses custom-installed computers to generate morphogenic energy fields. Regeneration from the inside out through applying technology that combines Quantum Physics and Genetic Amplification, allowing humanity to bio-hack their way to optimum health. The EE System has been recognized at dozens of medical, scientific and professional conferences around the world.  

Monthly Membership
Starting at just $109 per month. ($10-27 an hour)

4-Hour Wellness Package
$140 ($35 an hour)

8-Hour Wellness Package
$280 ($35 an hour)


I am so pleased and delighted to offer a peaceful space where members can experience the power of a 12 unit Energy Enhancement System. As a heart centered Leader, Teacher & Healer in a new era of well-being at this time in the transformation and evolution of consciousness, it is my intention for only what’s is in alignment and most appropriate for you.

Michelle Kellar 💗

Here are a few samples of users experiences after trying the EESystem.  Remember, every individual experience is unique to the person.

  • Feelings of Calmness, Harmony, Zen, Oneness, Peace, Relaxation

  • Natural Healing & Rejuvenation

  • Sense of Increased Energy

  • Relief from Depression

  • More Emotionally Clear & Free

  • Rapid Post Surgical Healing

  • Improved Inner Direction

  • Less Attachment to Past Traumas

  • Being more Present

  • Better Response to Stressors

  • Detoxification

  • Peak Performance

  • Better Mental Health

  • Relief from Severe Pain

  • Living in the Now

  • Improved Existentially

  • Improved Blood Profiles

  • Mental Flexibility/Charity

  • Improved Spontaneity

  • Improved Time Competency

  • Living more Authentically

  • Improved Self-Acceptance

  • Sense of Self-Awareness

  • Super Learning States

  • Self-Confidence & Self-Love

Let’s Connect

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Interested in Individual Private or Group, email or call to schedule your session.